Latest Roads News

National Highways seeks contractors for £7.5M survey works


National Highways has launched a £7.5M contract opportunity for technical surveys and testing of structures.

National Highways is looking to procure up to six contractors to deliver structural surveys, with the six Lots split across six UK regions. Works contractors could be asked to undertake include topographical surveys or land within…

Campaigners prepare legal challenge against A303 Stonehenge tunnel approval


Campaigners have taken the first steps towards a legal challenge against the government’s decision to grant a development consent order (DCO) to the A303 Stonehenge Tunnel scheme.

The scheme, which will see the construction of a new 12.8km dual carriageway including a 3.3km tunnel beneath the Stonehenge World Heritage Site, was…

Smart motorways hit technology improvement targets but regulator shows caution


National Highways’ smart motorways stopped vehicle detection (SVD) technology has hit all required targets, but the road regulator has said “caution is required when interpreting data from the results”.

SVD technology is radar-based technology that is on every all lane running (ALR) smart motorway where the hard shoulder has been permanently…